Wednesday, May 23, 2012

T -2 days

It's hard to believe that in just 2 short days, I'll be heading across the Atlantic for 18 days!  I'm excited, nervous, shocked, and a little anxious for this trip to get started.  I have no doubt it will be one for the record books.

Taking into account my love of flying, it shouldn't surprise you that I'm THRILLED that I'll get to take my first flight ever on a 747 (Chicago to London).  I've always wanted to fly on one, having been on 767 and DC10s thus far.
While I'm on the trip, I plan to use this site to blog about what I see, experience, taste, and photograph.  I hope you'll keep up with my travels and let me know what you think!

Lots to do in the next days from packing to prepping work to have me gone so long.  Here's hoping nothing gets forgotten!

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