Sunday, May 27, 2012

London - Day 1

Our overnight flight was very nice. Only had a few bouts with turbulence and the flight attendants were top-notch! British Airways knows how to run an airline. After about an hour in the air, I dozed off and slept pretty well overall; certainly enough that I was rested for today's adventures.

We breezed through immigration and I officially have my first passport stamp! We then hit the ATM so we could get some British money, bought our Underground tickets, and coffee and off we went to the Tube. The ride into central London from Heathrow took about an hour and a half, but we got to our B&B just fine. Couldn't check in yet, so we dropped our bags and headed to the My Old Dutch restaurant where they serve crepe pancakes. Quite a yummy lunch indeed! Afterward, we headed back to the B&B, checked into our rooms, freshened up, the hit the pavement! Alaine wanted to make sure we overcame the time change so walking the city was in order.

Our first stop was the British Museum where items from all over the former British Empire are stored. The Rosetta Stone was in full view and led into the Egypt exhibit that included several statues, reliefs, sarcophagi, and columns. It was quite a sight...Caroline would hate it; Jason and Lena would love it!

After that we viewed the Elgin marbles which are the pieces of the Parthenon in Athens that Lord Elgin removed for safe keeping back in the day. Many statues, friezes, pediments, and other objects are displayed in plain view and not behind glass! Following that we viewed Persian and Asian pieces that were equally important and interesting. We then viewed the Enlightenment Room which included old scientific equipment, various Greek, Roman, Etruscan, and British archaeological items and much more. I could spend days in this museum and Alaine put it best by saying that it's like all the Smithsonian museums crammed into one single museum--impossible to see it all in one day.

Our walking tour then started as we worked our way south through Covent Gardens which is an open air shopping and entertainment district that's near the West End theaters. This is also where parts of My Fair Lady were filmed, according to Alaine. Following that, we trekked further south towards the Thames. Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and the London Eye were soon in view. On the opposite side was St. Paul's Cathedral. We crossed the Thames then walked along the south bank where we found an open air bookstore, street performers, and folks all over!

Dinner was at a restaurant that serves crepes (Alaine says its the best outside of Paris). We had ham and cheese along with roast beef and chili savory crepes and two dessert ones: nutella and strawberries & cream. Following that we wandered down to the Globe Theater (Billy Shakespeare) then crossed the Millennium Bridge back north to St. Paul's Cathedral. As we approached, the tower bells peeled that it was 8:00. We'll tour this tomorrow. Then we walked back through the financial district to a pub near our B&B where Paul and Tim enjoyed some ales and lagers, while Alaine, Dianne, and I drank cider from the tap. Quite tasty!

It appears I left the device needed to copy pics from my camera to my iPad in Arkansas, so I'll have to hit the Apple store tomorrow so I can post pics.

London really is a neat city that has infused the old with the new. I can see why many love this place. Tomorrow we take a double-decker bus tour and will see many of the main attractions up close! We're hoping it cools off a bit tomorrow as it was quite warm (mid 80s) today and we have no a/c. Everyone is having a blast and can't wait to see what tomorrow holds! For now...good night!

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