Sunday, October 09, 2022

Day 7 - Bar Harbor, ME - Portland, ME

Day 7 began with us checking out of the amazing Bar Harbor Motel and then going downtown for a bit.  We visited Sherman's Book Shop for a few items and then walked down to the Frenchman Bay harbor.  The weather continued to be fantastic, with just the slightest tinge of clouds and chilly temps.

Echo Lake Beach was the first touring stop of the day.  Located on the next peninsula over from Bar Harbor, it has a sandy beach and is freshwater, meaning folks flock to it during the summer.  For today, it was a family having fun and a few walkers.

Our main morning goal was Bass Harbor Head Light Station (lighthouse for us common folk).  It "was constructed in 1858 from funds appropriated by Congress and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1988."  While the National Park Service owns the land and buildings, the Coast Guard operates and maintains the light.  The lighthouse itself is 37 feet tall and contains a fourth-order Frensel lens.

We found lunch in downtown Ellsworth and then made the turn southwest towards Portland.  The trees along our route continued to be amazing.  Before we knew it, we arrived in Rockland to visit the Farnsworth Art Museum.  "First Friday at the Farnsworth" took place that evening, so we were able to enter the museum free of charge...bonus!  "The museum has one of the largest public collections of works by sculptor Louise Nevelson, while its Wyeth Center features works of N.C., Andrew and Jamie Wyeth."  It even had Thomas Cole's first painting ever (see Day 1's blog for more info on him).  After viewing the Farnsworth, we passed a really cool wood paneled building as we walked to our car.  We enjoyed another amazing coastal meal in Freeport (right across from the L.L. Bean flagship store (open 24 hours a day).  Shortly we arrived at our hotel in Portland and climbed into bed, ready for more adventures!

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