Sunday, September 08, 2019

Day 8 - Fort Bragg - Newark, CA

We shifted from views of trees to views of the Pacific Ocean on Day 8.  Gone were the forests and here were the amazing sights as we travelled south on California 1.

Our first stop after leaving Fort Bragg was Point Cabrillo where one of the most complete light stations in the U.S. sits.  We had a nice 1/2 mile walk down a trail from the parking lot, through thickets of juniper, waves of tall grass, and many other shrubbery.  At the end of the trail were some cliffside paths that offered up views of the surrounding shoreline as the Pacific crashed in.  The lighthouse began operating in 1909 and was manned until 1973.  It was also used to simulate a Soviet radar base for training exercises during the Cold War.

We lunched in the artsy town of Mendocino where we had a fantastic meal and enjoyed people watching.  The town reminded me of a small coastal New England village.  The houses had weathered wood, everyone's doors and windows were open, and folks were milling about going from art gallery to art gallery.  Our cafe also had a beautiful flower garden in the "backyard" which was lovely to walk through.

The rest of the afternoon was continued driving south and pulling out where views were outstanding.  We also took a side road down to the Point Arena Lighthouse.  It was closed, but the shore around it was beautiful.  I was able to photograph some seals sunning themselves on the shoals, that is until a big wave would come along and either temporarily cover them or knock them off all together.  None of them were barking, oddly enough.  I guess they were just pleased to be in the sun and water.

Later in the afternoon, the shoreline became dramatic in a different way as it turned from rocky and craggy to steep and hilly.  The wind also picked up which made the drive even more interesting!

By happenstance, I took a turn to the right and went down to Goat Rock Beach.  The road descended quickly and pretty soon we were nearly at sea level.  The wind was howling in from the sea and spray from the water was everywhere.  Not only did our faces get exfoliated, but we also viewed Arched Rock and got to really feel the power of the ocean.  I'll just say that there ARE some advantages to having very little hair...nothing gets messed up when battling the sea winds!

Dinner was at a local spot in Bodega Bay right on the bay itself where Carolyn enjoyed excellent seafood.  A short drive later and we arrived at our hotel on the south side of San Francisco Bay.  Our trip is starting to draw to a close, but we continue to pack in so much every day!

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