Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 12 - Lincoln and Cambridge

We buzzed out of York this morning bound for a new cathedral to us all: Lincoln. Lincoln is very different as it's darker, has more details/colors in the pillars and just isn't as sanitized as York. It was wonderful! St. Hugh is interred in this cathedral and is regularly visited by pilgrims. One of the four original Magna Cartas used to be housed here, but in recent history was moved to the nearby Lincoln Castle for display. The choir screen is also unique in that it is made of stone and still retains some of its medieval paint! While walking along we met an extremely funny, knowledgable, and fun docent. He showed us some of the intricacies of the medieval stone masons and examples of Oliver Cromwell's soldiers removing the faces of sculptures. The town of Lincoln looked equally as fascinating as the cathedral so this has been added to the "do on next trip" list.

After a quick bite at Bunty's Tea Room, we climbed back up the town hill, got in the car and headed for Cambridge. Our goal was to make 5:30 Evensong at King's College and we did it! Another beautiful service with an amazing sounding full boys/men's choir. After the service, we strolled to Cafe Rouge (French) for dinner, then enjoyed a stroll back to the car in the chilly night air. Along the way we passed The Eagle pub where Crick and Watson used to come to chat and relax while they worked on decoding the structure of DNA.

We are turning in early tonight as we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We are nearing the end of our journey, but still enjoying the run to the finish line with laughs and delight.


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