Wednesday, September 30, 2015

There and Back Again

Yes, the title of this post is a blatant plagerization from Tolkien, but it's a phrase that perfectly fits my upcoming adventure. I set off again for the United Kingdom tomorrow where I'll not only see some repeat things, but new sights as well. I'm full of nervous energy tonight as I wrap up the loose ends of daily life, but excited to board the plane tomorrow and cruise across the Atlantic. I hope to bring you some witty thoughts and great pictures, but if that doesn't work, some humor at least! Watch out England, I'm ready for scones, clotted cream, and tea. For now I'm off to finish packing and stowing things for tomorrow.



Jan said...

Again, there is only one way this trip could be better...only one way! :-)

Beth said...

I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures even though you insist on using Oxford commas. How very British of you :)

Chris Odom said...

There's still time, Jan! And oh yes, I shall continue using the Oxford comma until I can no longer type. HA!

Ann Schwerin said...

I hope you have a super good time.

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